Thursday, September 25, 2014

Wolf: NO Charter Schools; NO Idea Of Ed. Budget

In Pennsylvania, the Corbett-Cawley campaign today drew more attention to Secretary Tom Wolf's pandering to the public sector unions through his full opposition to charter schools. On Thursday, Wolf voiced his strong opposition to charter schools at a York Rotary Club meeting. To date, Wolf has received $2.14 million in public sector union donations to oppose a multitude of common sense government reforms.  

“It’s unfortunate that Secretary Tom Wolf continues putting the interests of the public sector unions above finding a solution to deliver a quality education for Pennsylvania’s children,” stated Communications Director Chris Pack. “Charter schools give our students and their parents the choice and flexibility they need to find a school that best fits their individual needs, but Wolf opposes them because his union handlers tell him to oppose them.”

When Wolf was asked by Ed Mahon of the York Daily Record if he supports the charterization of public schools, Wolf definitively stated, “I don’t like the charterization of the York City School system.”

This is the second time this week that Wolf has demonstrated that he has no vision for Pennsylvania’s state education system aside from parroting the public sector teachers union’s talking points. On Monday, when asked if $27 billion for education spending was adequate, Wolf could not provide an answer.

“You would think that if Tom Wolf was going to make his supposed outrage over state education funding the cornerstone of his campaign that he would at least have an answer as to how much funding there ought to be. Unfortunately, Tom Wolf once again shows that he is out of touch and aloof when it comes to actually conveying his plan to lead our state,” concluded Pack.

To get the facts on Governor Tom Corbett’s record investment in state education funding, please visit

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