Sunday, October 5, 2014

About Those Lost E-Mails, In Harrisburg And DC!

Isn't it interesting that just a month before the Pennsylvania gubernatorial election, a Democrat Attorney General in Harrisburg has been able to find countless deleted e-mails from state computers (including many from then Attorney General Corbett's staff) allegedly containing sexually explicit images, while at the same time Democrats in Washington either can't find or don't want to find IRS e-mails from Lois Lerner and others that targeted Obama administration enemies for IRS harassment? 
Interesting, isn't it?
BTW: E-mails were selectively released by the Democrats in Harrisburg and names were selectively reported, including the names of people who received those allegedly racy e-mails but never opened them.
Now, which do you think is more of a threat to your freedom and liberties? 
Which is more dangerous - some racy e-mails among office workers or the partisan targeting of innocent persons and groups by one of the most powerful agencies in the world? Huh?
And isn't it interesting that the media seem so, so, very much more concerned with those Harrisburg e-mails than they are with the "lost" e-mails in Washington -- the ones that Lerner and her former boss have been downright arrogant about? 
Interesting, don't ya think?

"Lois Lerner of IRS fame planted the question, told the lie, took the Fifth, lost the emails and stonewalled. Her punishment for all this was a $100,000-a-year pension for the rest of her life. Imagine how frightened she was. I wonder what the Secret Service head’s pension will be?" -Peggy Noonan

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