Thursday, October 9, 2014

AFP: NJ Paid Sick Leave Bill A 'Bad Idea'

Americans for Prosperity, New jersey's leading grassroots, free-market group, is sounding off today against yet another onerous mandate on the state’s entrepreneurs and job creators, Assembly Bill A2354, mandating paid sick leave.
“As a recent graduate and an aspiring small business owner, it is mandates like this these that make me question opening a business of my own in New Jersey,” offered Danielle Cyr, AFP-New Jersey’s grassroots director.
“Such regulations cause many employers to cut back on hiring and let go of existing staff while making it harder for them to stay afloat in New Jersey,” added Cyr. “More than anything this hurts the little guy, the small business owners who are struggling, many of whom would like nothing more than to provide the best pay and benefits they can but just cannot afford to.”

Cyr also assailed the legislation, which was up for discussion today by the Assembly Labor Committee, as an “attack” on Millennials, many of whom have struggled to find entry level employment in the current market.
“Many of my friends and college classmates are still struggling to find a good job in this economy. Some have given up looking in New Jersey and have moved to states such as Florida or North Carolina where the job market is booming and their state provides a better climate for start-ups,” conveyed Cyr.
“At 24 years old, many of my friends are still living with their parents and struggling to even get an interview. I see these mandates as an attack on Millennials such as myself,” said Cyr. “If lawmakers really cared about the economic well-being of these younger Americans, they would be looking to remove obstacles for job creators not imposing more of them. Instead they will only be making it harder for those in my generation to find opportunities, start their careers and stand on their own two feet.”
“It’s just the wrong thing to do and I hope members have the good sense to oppose this bill.”

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