Wednesday, October 15, 2014

AFP Says Don't Raise NJ Gas Tax!

Americans for Prosperity has sent an open letter to Chairman John Wisniewski and members of the New Jersey State Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee as a follow-up to yesterday’s hearing at Rutgers University.
“After two hearings, it’s clear that the voice of most New Jerseyans who oppose raising the gas tax is not being heard. AFP is the only group to put substantive ideas on the table for consideration that would quell the need for a big gas tax hike,” said AFP state director Daryn Iwicki.
“While it’s easy to put out the idea that everything is on the table, the only thing that seems to be on the table and on the minds of most of those who testified is a gas tax hike.”
“Everyone agrees we need to do something about our infrastructure, yet the attitude towards AFP’s suggestions of conducting an audit of the TTF, possibly using general revenues and cutting costs came across as dismissive yesterday,” asserted Iwicki.
“Lawmakers have a duty to make tough choices and do everything in their power to avoid raising the gas tax and making New Jersey’s tax climate even worse than it already is. Raising the gas tax is the easy choice, not the tough choice.”
“AFP felt compelled to express this to Chairman Wisniewski and the members of the committee,” Iwicki added. “We also felt it was important to set the record straight on AFP’s positions on this pressing issue which at times appeared to be misinterpreted by some committee members.”
AFP’s open letter to Chairman Wisniewski is available here.

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