Thursday, October 2, 2014

America's Security? We Warned You Six Years Ago!

We are now in a situation where it's quite clear that we have a president and an administration that are complacent about America's security.
In fact, on all fronts our security clearly seems threatened.
Russia and Putin are emboldened. The Middle East is in chaos. Isis is on the march and showing no signs of buckling. Militant Islam is stronger than ever, threatening world order at every turn. China and Russia are newly amorous and China is threatening offshore islands and ignoring pleas for democracy from Hong Kong. The Ebola virus has come to America. Millions of illegal immigrants continue to pour into our country as our borders remain porous. The Secret Service can't seem to protect our own president much less carry out the other aspects of its job. Our privacy and freedoms are under siege from agencies of our own government including the IRS and the NSC. And, our traditional allies are now wary of America and unwilling to commit to new ventures.
Are you surprised? Are you?
We're not.
In fact, we warned about all this more than six years ago.
We tried to tell everyone that a president's first responsibility is national security and that the presidency is no place for on-the-job training.
We tried again and again to get people to think about our future stability, indeed -- our safety and survival.
We asked you to focus on one question above all others: "Who will protect America?"
Here, below in its entirety is what we posted on July 6, 2008. Read it, and think about what's happened since:

We are now firmly entrenched at our southern command post on beautiful Hilton Head Island in South Carolina's beguiling low country.
The semi-tropical atmosphere of this blessed island with its lush foliage, warm sea breezes, long sunny days and star-drenched nights lends itself to refreshment, invigoration and contemplation.
This time of year the island is teeming with young families and that means that children are everywhere. As I watch these children play freely poolside or by the ocean and cavort with such wonderful spontaneity, I pray for them and for their future. And I can't help but ask: "Who will protect them?"
Who will protect these children from our enemies?
Who will protect our nation? Who will safeguard our way of life and the freedoms that we treasure? Who will protect America from those who hate us and are determined to destroy us and everything that Ameica stands for?
When these children are tucked in at night, who will protect us with the strength, fortitude, courage and determination that will ensure another bright morning for America?
We live in dangerous times.
And be sure of this: Our enemies want us dead - all of us; even the children.
We need a leader who truly understands the nature of the enemy that we face, the seriousness of the threat that confronts us -- someone who has faced our enemies eye-to-eye once before; someone who has survived with strength and wisdom; someone who loves America and knows what it is to risk everything for that love.
We need someone who has the courage - the sheer guts - to act and the knowledge and experience to know when and how to act. There won't be time for on the job training.
This is what we need if we are to protcet these children and give genuine meaning to the word "hope." Because, unless these children survive, unless there is a "tomorrow" for them, there is no hope - no hope for America or the world.
These are the considerations and this is the issue that should inform us in this election.
For me - for these children - there is really only one choice.

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