Sunday, October 26, 2014

Christie On Ebola: We Will Protect Our Residents

Question: Can you talk about the nurse who is being quarantined in New Jersey right now?

Governor Christie: Sure. Well I can’t get you any specifics about her condition but what I can say is that New Jersey is going to take a very clear stance on this. We’re one of the five gateway airports in the country where everyone who has spent time in West Africa is going to come through. And what we said, myself and Governor Cuomo, yesterday or two days ago now was if you’re a healthcare worker that’s had direct contact with people who are ill with the Ebola virus in West Africa, that you’re going to be quarantined for 21 days. We need to protect the public safety of the folks in the most densely populated area in the country and that’s what we’re going to do. And I understand that this has made this woman uncomfortable and I’m sorry that she’s uncomfortable but the fact is I have the people in New Jersey as my first and foremost responsibility to protect their public health, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

Question: Governor, can we stay on this topic for a minute? The Times is reporting that White House officials have been pressing you guys, both Governors Christie and Cuomo, to rethink, rescind this.

Governor Christie: Michael, I’ve gotten absolutely no contact from the White House at all. I can’t speak for Governor Cuomo, whether he has. You’d have to ask them. But since Friday I’ve had absolutely no contact with the White House at all on this topic. So, no that would not be true as to me, you’d have to ask Governor Cuomo.

Thank you Governor Christie for looking out for the public's health and welfare. Thank you for acting decisively - for making a strong decision, the right decision and for not backing down!

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