Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Corbett Blasts Wolf On Tax Hike Plan

In Pennsylvania, Governor Tom Corbett today criticized Tom Wolf’s plan to triple the state income tax on middle class families and businesses. Corbett made his remarks after touring General Carbide, a manufacturing company in Greensburg.

“Tom Wolf doesn’t want to talk about his income tax plan because he knows that the people of Pennsylvania don't want their taxes tripled,” stated Governor Tom Corbett. “Tom Wolf's plan to triple the state's income tax rate shows us just how out of touch he is with everyday Pennsylvania families. Pennsylvania can't afford Tom Wolf and his tax increase agenda.”

According to a study released by the Commonwealth Foundation, which his campaign would not refute when pressed today by Pennsylvania Independent, Wolf’s tripling of the state’s income tax would cause Pennsylvania to “jump 33 other states. As a result, we’d have the 8th highest state income tax rate in the country.”

For more information on the Corbett-Cawley campaign for a stronger Pennsylvania, visit

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