Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Corbett-Cawley Hit Back With Strong Jobs Record

In Pennsylvania, the Corbett-Cawley campaign released the following statement following this afternoon’s WHP 580 lieutenant gubernatorial debate in Harrisburg, where Lt. Governor Jim Cawley promoted the successful Corbett-Cawley ‘More Jobs, Less Taxes’ agenda over the last four years as a stark contrast to the Wolf-Stack plan to nearly triple Pennsylvanians income taxes.

“Multimillionaire Tom Wolf and his running mate Mike Stack have made it clear that if given the opportunity, they will raise Pennsylvanians income taxes by nearly 188%,” said Campaign Manager Mike Barley. “Tom Wolf wants to return us to the failed policies of Ed Rendell and import President Obama’s tax-and-spend agenda to Harrisburg. The Wolf-Stack ticket’s lack of leadership on reform and attack on middle class taxpayers and job creators by tripling their income tax rate, will only take Pennsylvania back to the days of 8.7% unemployment and a 4.2 billion dollar deficit. Governor Tom Corbett and Lieutenant Governor Jim Cawley will continue to fight to make government smarter and more responsible, create family-sustaining jobs and keep more of Pennsylvanians hard-earned money in their wallets where it belongs.”

For more information on the Corbett-Cawley campaign for a stronger Pennsylvania, visitwww.tomcorbettforgovernor.com.

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