Thursday, October 23, 2014

Dem Lt. Gov Candidate Wary Of Wolf Tax Hike?

Stack may need TWO government jobs to supplement salary!

(Photo credit: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review)
In Pennsylvania, the Corbett-Cawley campaign today released the following statement noting that Tom Wolf’s running mate State Senator Mike Stack has joined the growing number of Pennsylvanians who are concerned and wary of multimillionaire Tom Wolf’s pledge to nearly triple Pennsylvania’s income tax rate --- an increase of 188%.

“You can tell middle class Pennsylvanians are extremely worried about multimillionaire Tom Wolf’s income tax hike when even his running mate Senator Mike Stack is keeping his options open for a second job,” said Communications Director Chris Pack. “While Mike Stack is likely far from middle class, given Tom Wolf’s pledge to increase spending by $6.5 billion with no way to pay for it besides tripling the income tax rate, we can’t really blame him for being concerned and looking for a second job. Rest assured though Mike – when Tom Corbett and Jim Cawley are re-elected on November 4th, they are going to continue to keep their promise to make Harrisburg fiscally responsible and keep taxes low for all Pennsylvanians.”

When confronted by the Philadelphia Inquirer on Wednesday, State Senator Mike Stack said he was still weighing whether or not he would keep his position and salary as a state senator even if by some stretch of the imagination he were elected lieutenant governor in November. Stack’s questionable justification was to place himself in comparison to the only two instances in which an individual served in the capacity of state senator and lieutenant governor simultaneously, which included a state senator who took over as lieutenant governor under Mark Schweiker, when 

Governor Tom Ridge was called on to serve his country following the 9/11 terror attacks as a special advisor and Secretary of Homeland Security, and another state senator who took over the position following the sad passing of someone already holding the office. Both assumed office via succession, not election.

While Mike Stack’s concern may be warranted considering the 188% income tax hike his running mate is proposing, even Congressman Bob Brady and former Governor Ed Rendell called into question whether or not the constitution would allow Mike Stack to hold both jobs, with Rendell stating, "I find it inconceivable that the law would allow that to happen.” 

The Corbett-Cawley campaign agrees, but more importantly finds it inconceivable that voters will elect Governor Rendell to a third term by electing his protégé Tom Wolf who is pledging to triple Pennsylvanians income taxes.

For more information on the Corbett-Cawley campaign for a stronger Pennsylvania that doesn’t include a 188% income tax hike for middle class Pennsylvanians,

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