Saturday, October 18, 2014

GOP Senator Receives Nature Conservancy Honor

New Jersey State Senator Kip Bateman (R-16) was honored with an Oak Leaf Award by The Nature Conservancy in New Jersey for his years of work to protect the environment, preserve open space and farmland, and other important environmental issues.

"Preserving open space and working for clean water, air, and land are initiatives that benefit everyone," said Bateman. "Organizations like The Nature Conservancy do so much directly and in support of these important environmental efforts, making their recognition a true honor."

Bateman, a member of the Senate Environment Committee, received the award at The Nature Conservancy's Third Annual Oak Leaf Awards presentation on Sunday, October 12, 2014.

The Nature Conservancy is a leading conservation organization working locally and globally to protect and restore natural areas and systems for people and nature. Their mission is to conserve lands and waters on which all life depends, with the goal of leaving a sustainable world for future generations.

Bateman was joined in receiving the Oak Leaf award by Assemblyman John McKeon and Senator Bob Smith.

Barbara Brummer, Ph.D., New Jersey State Director for The Nature Conservancy, noted that Bateman, McKeon and Smith "have distinguished records of environmental leadership in the New Jersey State Legislature," adding that the legislators "sponsored a voter referendum that will appear on the November 2014 ballot to create our state's first permanent source of funding for preservation and stewardship of open spaces, farmlands, historic sites, parks and waterways."

"It took a lot of work with legislators from both parties and the active support of environmental organization, including The Nature Conservancy, to get our plan for a permanent source of open space funding before voters this year," added Bateman. "I'm confident that the ballot measure will pass, solidifying our efforts to preserve New Jersey's important open spaces for future generations."

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