Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How Mark Udall Hurts Colorado Students

More evidence that Obamacare continues to hurt Colorado’s youth: last week, the University of Colorado announced a new limit on the total number of hours a student may work per week on campus. Undergrads are now limited to 25 hours of university-provided work per week, thanks to Obamacare’s employer mandate.

This announcement highlights the harsh effects the “Affordable” Care Act has on young people in the state, slashing work hours and killing jobs for those who need it most: students. The average student loan debt in Colorado is nearly $25,000 and college tuition is skyrocketing. To make matters worse, youth unemployment, nationally, stands at 14.9%.

Senator Mark Udall voted for Obamacare and still insists he is proud of his vote, saying, “all in all this has been a success.”

“New campus policy for student employee work hours,” reads the announcement, explaining that, due to Obamacare, the campus “has established a policy which sets the maximum number of hours a student employee can work during a bi-weekly pay period.”

Colorado State Director Jonathan Lockwood issued the following statement:

“As if we needed more proof that Obamacare is dunking young people: CU Boulder has announced that it’s cutting hours for student employees on campus.

“The ‘Affordable’ Care Act, which has increased the cost of healthcare for my generation, is also killing our chances at future success here in Colorado. This is what Senator Mark Udall calls a ‘success’?

“Students in Colorado, who are facing an average loan debt of $25,000, deserve better than this flawed policy that is literally destroying our opportunity to work hard for our futures. While we subsidize the healthcare of older and wealthier Americans, we’re seeing our own premiums increased while our jobs are cut.

“I encourage my fellow Millennials to voice their opposition to Obamacare and tell Washington we’re sick of getting dunked.”

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