Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wolf Evades, Talks 'Granular-Level' Tax Data

In Pennsylvania, the Corbett-Cawley campaign today responded to the latest excuse from Secretary Tom Wolf on why he cannot explain the specifics of his plan to increase the personal income tax rate by 188 percent. Wolf is now saying that he needs “granular-level” tax data (that he already has in his possession) to come up with the details of the cornerstone of his campaign platform.

“It’s another day and another lame excuse from Secretary Tom Wolf on why he can’t talk about his plan to increase the personal income tax by 188 percent,” stated Communications Director Chris Pack. “At this point, Tom Wolf must think the Pennsylvania voters are flat-out stupid given how intellectually insulting his excuses have become on why he can’t talk about the cornerstone of his campaign platform. The bottom line is this – Tom Wolf and every Pennsylvanian has access to the most granular-level complete, detailed, tax data and former Revenue Secretary Tom Wolf knows that.”

According to The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Wolf is now whining that cannot provide the details of his proposed 188 percent personal income tax increase because he does not have access to the “granular-level” tax data. They also stated, “Considering Wolf once served as the commonwealth's Revenue secretary — and that the Corbett campaign says it hand-delivered that information to him on Oct. 6 — the answer defies credulity and comes across as the dodge that it is.”

“Tom Wolf served as the former Secretary of Revenue so he knows that the publicly available data released in August is the data that any Governor in Pennsylvania would have to use to formulate their budget proposal. Tom Wolf needs to stop insulting the intelligence of the Pennsylvania voters and just come clean on his plan to raise the personal income tax by 188 percent,” concluded Pack.

For more information on the Corbett-Cawley campaign for a stronger Pennsylvania,

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