Wednesday, October 15, 2014

New Poll Has Grim News For Democrats

Revealing figures in a new national poll: By a 10 percentage-point margin, more voters think the country is “worse off” today than before President Obama was elected (49 worse off vs. 39 better off). What's more, 58 percent of voters feel things in the world are “going to hell in a handbasket.” Astonishingly, that includes nearly half of Democrats (48 percent) and a wide majority of independents (61 percent).
The president’s job rating is also negative: 40 percent approve and 52 percent disapprove.
And then there’s this: voters not only think Obama's signature legislation ObamaCare is “mostly a bad thing” for the country (52 percent), they also believe the administration misrepresented the law to get it passed (55 percent).
On social issues, the country is split right down the middle. On abortion, among likely voters, 46 are pro-life, while 46 percent are pro-choice. On legalizing same-sex marriage 45 favor versus 45 oppose.
Obama and the Democrats have given us a nation that is pessimistic about the future, distrustful and dreadfully polarized on highly-charged issues. In short, we are wary and weary.
Professional pollsters Anderson Robbins Research ( D ) and Shaw & Company Research ( R ) conducted the poll from October 12-14, 2014.

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