Saturday, October 4, 2014

Poll: Blue, Blue Jersey Sours On Obama

Have you seen the latest Monmouth University Poll on President Obama's popularity (or lack thereof) in blue, blue, New Jersey?
We wouldn't be surprised if you haven't seen it because the media have downplayed it.
Now, why would they downplay something like this?
Well, maybe it's the numbers. Oohh, those dastardly numbers!
Anyway, the fact is that a clear majority (54%) of New Jersey's registered voters now disapprove of Obama's handling of his job as president. 54% in blue, blue New Jersey.
And get this: Obama's plunge is popularity here in the Garden State is led by a massive decline among women. Yes, New Jersey's women have soured on Obama.
Among women in New Jersey, only 44% now approve of the job Obama's doing (or not doing, as the case may be). So, in New Jersey there's no gender gap anymore. Both men and women clearly disapprove of Obama. What's more, even nearly one-quarter of New Jersey Democrats now disapprove of Obama.
These are the worst figures ever recorded for Obama in New Jersey - a new low for him.
And among Hispanic voters it's almost as bad. Only 46% of New Jersey Hispanics approve of the job that President Obama is doing. And the all-important independent voters appear to be totally disenchanted with the president as only 39% of them approve of the job he's doing.
No matter how you look at it, the figures are not good for Obama.
And they aren't much better for the Senator from Twitter, Cory Booker as only 42% of New Jersey voters approve of his job performance -- troublesome, to say the least since Booker faces a re-election vote next month. Yes, this is a clear drop in Booker's rating.
Nor do New Jersey voters give a thumbs-up to Obamacare. In this most liberal of northeast states only 45% of voters view Obamacare favorably.
We don't create the figures, folks.
We just report 'em . . . .

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