Friday, October 10, 2014

Religious Freedom Threatened In Nation's Capital

A very special message from the Cardinal Newman Society:

October 10, 2014
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Dear friends,This week, we took on yet another fight—this time with the Washington, D.C. Council, which seems ready to repeal legal protections for Catholic schools and colleges.
A Council proposal would force religiously-affiliated schools and colleges to violate their beliefs on "sexual orientation."  It would lift an exemption mandated by Congress 25 years ago, when Georgetown University had the strength to refuse funding for homosexual student clubs.  (How much has changed!!)
Now The Catholic University of America (recommended in our new2015 edition of The Newman Guide) and 20 Catholic schools are in the District's crosshairs.  In a filing yesterday with the D.C. Council, The Cardinal Newman Society warned the Council against violating Catholics' Constitutional rights—and in our nation's capital!
We filed the complaint on the feast day of our patron, Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman, who warned of a time when our culture would be "simply irreligious."  Cardinal Newman, ora pro nobis!
Meanwhile, following the Supreme Court's confusing inaction this week on same-sex unions, Notre Dame wasted no time extending employee benefits to "same-sex spouses".  It also moved toward seating an HHS Mandate advocate on its Board of Trustees, even as it pressed its awkward appeal against the HHS Mandate.
Praise God for our own board member, Brent Bozell, whose organization won an important victory on the HHS Mandate this week… and for faithful institutions like Wyoming Catholic Collegethat are willing stand in the "breach" and fight "infringements on the right of religious entities to apply Church teaching to hiring practices."
Please pray for the Synod of Bishops on the Family!  There has been a lot of disturbing chatter about the Synod, but our advisor Cardinal Raymond Burke is working to focus attention squarely on the problem of "defective catechesis."  We take heart in his leadership, and also in the pre-Synod letter from scholars and the catechesis for the World Meeting of Families.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Patrick Reilly

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