Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Wolf Still Mum On Tax Plan Details

In Pennsylvania, the Corbett-Cawley campaign today hand delivered a copy of the latest tax data from the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue that contains information on taxable income on personal tax returns filed with the Commonwealth. This data, published less than two months ago, contains the data Wolf says he needs to give the people of Pennsylvania an idea of how high he wants to raise middle class taxes. The Corbett-Cawley campaign also provided former Secretary of Revenue Tom Wolf with a brand new calculator to work on the details of his plan.
“Secretary Tom Wolf says he is running one of the most transparent campaigns he has ever seen, so he should have no problem releasing the details of his proposed income tax hike on middle class families," stated Communications Director Chris Pack. "We already heard Wolf tell us how much better he works with calculators, so we even sent him a shiny brand new calculator to finally come clean on just how high he plans to raise taxes on the middle class.”

To date, Wolf has refused to provide any specifics of his income tax proposal because he maintains that he does not have the tax data he needs to do so. However, as stated in The Philadelphia Inquirer, “It should be noted that Wolf holds a doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and used to be the state's revenue secretary. Certainly he has the credentials to make something of the available figures. If he wants to be governor, Wolf should provide some numbers and explain how his plan would work.”

“If a graduate from MIT and former revenue secretary is unable to use the most recent publicly available data to come up with the details of his income tax proposal, Pennsylvanians should be concerned that he lacks the ability to provide them or is trying to hide his major tax increase proposal,” added Pack.

In addition to personally delivering the most recent tax data to Wolf, the Corbett-Cawley campaign also sent a copy of the data via certified mail. The tracking number to follow the delivery of the package to Wolf’s campaign headquarters in Philadelphia is EH525655073US. You can track the package on the USPS website by clicking HERE.

The media has been critical of Wolf’s refusal to provide any specifics on his proposed income tax hike. Below is a list of what the media has been saying about Wolf’s failure to articulate his plan.

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE REVIEW: “Tom Wolf doesn't want to ‘get into the weeds’ because as the poll-presumptive governor, the emperor-in-waiting with no clothes fears being forced to run through the weeds that will cut him, if not bleed him dry.”

THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: “It should be noted that Wolf holds a doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and used to be the state's revenue secretary. Certainly he has the credentials to make something of the available figures. If he wants to be governor, Wolf should provide some numbers and explain how his plan would work.

READING EAGLE: “Asked whether he will have to get more specific about the proposals, Wolf said… ‘I think the specificity is on his (Corbett's) shoulders’.”

THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: “Wolf has said he wants to levy a higher income tax…But he has said he can't specify who would pay more income tax under his plan, or give an estimate of the rate.”

THE PATRIOT-NEWS: “…but one caveat for those who might be waiting for specific numbers on Wolf's "fair" tax plan for Pennsylvania: You won't find those here.”

WITF: “Wolf is also campaigning on increasing education funding, but he said during Monday’s debate that he doesn't know how much money would be sufficient.”

CAPITOLWIRE: “Wolf displayed some uneasiness with questions about his plan to overhaul the personal income tax in Pennsylvania.”

THE PATRIOT-NEWS: “Still, it's a little surprising to hear that, when pressed, the York County businessman say that it's up to [Corbett] to come up with specifics.”

For more information on the Corbett-Cawley campaign for a stronger Pennsylvania, please visit www.tomcorbettforgovernor.com.

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