Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wolf Finally Admits He Wants Tax Hike For $90K+

In Pennsylvania, the Corbett-Cawley campaign today released the following statement in response to Secretary Tom Wolf finally coming clean and admitting that households making over $90,000 annually are ‘rich like him’ and should be paying more in taxes. Wolf made his comments this morning in a CBS Philadelphia/KYW Radio debate. Last week, Wolf adamantly said that was not the case and was merely a hypothetical example.


Watch Tom Wolf admit that two teachers making a combined income over $90,000 are above middle class.
“Millionaire Tom Wolf has finally admitted that middle class families making a combined income of $90,000 annually are ‘rich like him’ and should be paying higher taxes,” stated Communications Director Chris Pack. “Middle class Pennsylvanians now have a very clear choice this November between an out-of-touch millionaire like Tom Wolf and a fiscal watchdog like Governor Tom Corbett who protects their hard-earned paychecks. Pennsylvanians must take notice, Tom Wolf is going to raise your taxes."

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