Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wolf Now Has Tax Data, So Where's His Plan?

In Pennsylvania, the Corbett-Cawley campaign today announced the confirmation of a successful delivery of the most recent tax data that Secretary Tom Wolf says he needs to give the people of Pennsylvania an idea of how high he wants to raise middle class taxes. The tax data and a shiny new calculator were hand delivered yesterday to Wolf’s campaign headquarters and via USPS Express Mail.
 “It is now time for Tom Wolf to stop hiding behind his handlers and come clean on just how high he will raise taxes on middle class families to cover his proposed $6.5 billion in new state spending,” stated Communications Director Chris Pack. “Now Dr. Tom Wolf can put his MIT doctorate to good use by doing the math on his income tax proposal and finally tell the middle class how much more they are going to pay in taxes. If Tom Wolf is so certain that Pennsylvania needs a fresh start, he should at least start talking about how expensive that fresh start will be.”
View USPS delivery confirmation HERE.
 To date, Wolf has refused to provide any specifics of his income tax proposal because he maintains that he does not have the tax data he needs to do so. However, as stated in The Philadelphia Inquirer, “It should be noted that Wolf holds a doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and used to be the state's revenue secretary. Certainly he has the credentials to make something of the available figures. If he wants to be governor, Wolf should provide some numbers and explain how his plan would work.”

Even Wolf’s mentor, former Governor Ed Rendell, says that Wolf needs to provide the details of his income tax proposal. As reported in The Washington Times, Rendell said Wolf should explain his income tax plan, stating, “Once he said it, he’s got to stand by it and explain what his goal is…I think he’s got to explain that.”

For more information on the Corbett-Cawley campaign for a stronger Pennsylvania,

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