Monday, November 17, 2014

Art Museum Welcomes Pope's 2015 Philly Visit

"The Philadelphia Museum of Art is proud to participate today in the official announcement of the Pope’s visit to Philadelphia next year. We welcome this exciting news with enthusiasm and anticipation. As Philadelphia's art museum, a landmark building and world-renowned collection, we look forward to being part of the Papal visit and honor the inspiration that the Pope represents for millions around the world.

"In the months ahead, as Philadelphia prepares to welcome the Pontiff and greet more than a million visitors for the World Meeting of Families, the Museum will announce plans to host activities and events, including family programs, tours of the devotional masterpieces in our collections, and a celebratory day of free admission. The Museum joins the Governor, the Mayor and the city’s cultural institutions in welcoming the Pope and offering the very best of our city to everyone who visits us."

-Timothy Rub, The George D. Widener Director and CEO
Philadelphia Museum of Art

Tuesday through Sunday: 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., Wednesdays and Fridays until 8:45 p.m.

Social Media
Facebook: philamuseum; Twitter: philamuseum; Tumblr: philamuseum; YouTube: PhilaArtMuseum; Instagram: @philamuseum

The Philadelphia Museum of Art is one of the largest museums in the United States, with a collection of more than 227,000 works of art. The Museum’s many galleries present painting, sculpture, works on paper, photography, decorative arts, textiles, and architectural settings from Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the United States. Its facilities include a landmark main building; the Ruth and Raymond G. Perelman Building; the Rodin Museum; and two historic houses in Fairmount Park, Mount Pleasant and Cedar Grove. The Museum offers a wide variety of activities for public audiences, including special exhibitions, programs for children and families, lectures, concerts, and films.

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