Monday, November 10, 2014

Dan Cirucci Blog Hits ONE MILLION Pageviews!

Thank you!
for helping the
Dan Cirucci Blog
reach a new millstone:

When we started the Dan Cirucci Blog we never dreamed it would be such an astounding success. We never expected it to have such loyal followers. We never expected to attract a national audience, let alone an international following. We never expected it to be cited by Rush Limbaugh on the air or to be picked up by big time web addresses like Real Clear Politics or But all of those things have happened - and more!
We owe a great debt of thanks to Aimee Cirucci Lorge who first challenged us to start a blog, saying "You can do it in ten minutes." Well, it has involved a bit of a longer time investment, Aimee -- but we're still grateful.
And we owe much to Philly's own Dom Giordano, the hugely popular radio personality who admired some of our written work and insisted we collect it all on a web site or blog.
We also thank Frank Sinatra (yes, that is his real name) who helped us again and again with many of the technical details.
Also, kudos to our favorite fellow-blogger Matt Rooney, founder of the Save Jersey Blog who shares so much with us and who has cross-blogged many of our items. Matt is a gem!
Of course, we owe much thanks to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie who has repeatedly endorsed our blog and told anyone who will listen: "This guy has a great blog!" Governor Christie has not only been a major cheerleader for us but he's helped us to make news right here time and time again. We wouldn't be here without him.
We're grateful as well to the Philadelphia Daily News which ran many of our op-ed pieces and the Philadelphia Inquirer and South Jersey's own Courier-Post, both of which also ran our jottings. And much thanks to lawyer/columnist extradonaire Christine Flowers who has often welcomed us as a radio guest and to columnists Kevin Riordan of the Inquirer who has frequently cited our blog.
Politics. Books. Art. Movies. Theater. Dining. Travel. Music. Broadway. Hollywood. New York. The World. We tackle it all here at the Dan Cirucci Blog. And, we've taken you to Australia, Finland  New Zealand, Russia and Paris among international destinations as well as tons of other places here at home -- more points on the map than we could possibly mention.
But our biggest thanks is reserved for you, the visitors, readers and page-viewers.
By staying with us, by telling your friends, by helping us to promote the blog, by spreading the word -- you've been our raison d'ertre and our best ambassadors. A big hosanna to all of you.
Keep visiting! Keep reading! Keep telling others!
We're headed for TWO million!

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