Sunday, November 9, 2014

How You Can Help GOP Capture Loiusiana

Here's a special message from Louisiana senatorial candidate Bill Cassidy:
The Democrats lost last night and they are mad about it. They're about to take it out on me. Nearly every single Democrat operative in America who got beat last night is headed to Louisiana.

This election is not over. The Democrats have one final card to play: Louisiana.

My name is Bill Cassidy, and I'm the Republican nominee for Senate in Louisiana. After yesterday's election, I'm facing a runoff election against Senator Mary Landrieu. We can't let her go back to the Senate.

Let me put it this way: Right now, every liberal organization in America is stinging from last night's defeat and looking for some scrap of victory. Every Democrat campaigner in America just lost their job and is looking for something to do. And every Senate election in America is decided but this one.

All eyes are on Louisiana. We need to make this the final defeat of the Obama Agenda. Will you help me?
Quick Donate $15
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Or donate another amount.

Let me tell you a little bit about Sen. Mary Landrieu. She's a rubber stamp for President Obama. She's such a Washington insider, she doesn't even own a house in Louisiana - she claims she lives in her parents' house when she's there.

We don't need another Washington insider who is a rubber stamp for President Obama's agenda. We need a strong, conservative majority in the Senate. Our country needs Republicans who are willing to stand up and fight for our freedoms in the face of an encroaching federal government.
That's why we need to defeat the Left decisively, right now.

All eyes are turned one state: Louisiana. Louisiana is the Democrats' last hope. They will throw everything they have at us to win this race - every cent, every ounce of manpower, every dirty trick. I can't fight back without your help.

We've just run an exhausting campaign to get to November, and now we have to do it all over again. 
Will you donate today?

Our fight isn't over. It's not just about having a majority in the Senate - it's about what kind of a majority that will be.

Help send a proud Louisiana conservative to the Senate and stick the final nail in the coffin on President Obama's agenda.
Support our campaign today.

~Bill Cassidy

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