Sunday, November 16, 2014

Just One More Critical Senate Contest Looms!

Here's a very special message from Bill Cassidy:

I’m sure you’ve heard more than your share about the elections this year, whether you’re out making groceries, watching an LSU football game, or just talking with a neighbor down the street-- politics has come to dominate our conversations everywhere.  It really does matter.

This race about more than just politics: it’s about the future of Louisiana and the future direction of our country. 

We only have ONE MORE DAY until we hit our final fundraising deadline.
Make your donation today, while you still can.

Election Day is December 6th…
That’s not very much time.

Please consider chipping in to bolster our final Get-Out-The-Vote outreach efforts.
Step up your support with a gift of $25, $50, $100, or another amount.

Your donation makes a HUGE difference to everyone our team and to the future of Louisiana.
Geaux Cassidy!

Team Cassidy


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