Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Big Winners, Losers In Last Week's Election

There were many winners and losers in last week's Big GOP Wave.
And yes, for every winner there were losers -- in some cases multiple losers. So, let's get right to it:

WINNER - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie who helmed the Republican Governors Association to a stunning triumph in gubernatorial races from coast-to-coast. Bravo, Governor!
LOSER - The head of the Democrat Governors Association, whoever the hell that was.

WINNERS - McConnell and Boehner.
LOSERS - Reid and Pelosi.

WINNER - Mitt Romney. Turns out he was right after all.
LOSER - President Obama. Yes, his policies WERE on the ballot, as he boasted. And yes, the people DID reject them because those policies were wrong, wrong, wrong after all.

WINNER - Reince Priebus. His "steady as she goes" approach to rebuilding the Grand Old Party was right on target.
LOSER - Debbie Wasserman Schultz. This loudmouth made a complete fool of herself - again!

WINNERS - Mia Love and Tim Scott. They are the new face of the bigger, better, revitalized Republican Party.
LOSERS - Sharpton, Jackson and all the other Dem race baiters. This is the beginning of the end of the Balkanization of America.

WINNERS - The Bushes. George P. won in Texas, W debuts his new book at just the right moment and Jeb seems ready for the run.
LOSERS - The Clintons. Arkansas was a complete wipeout for the Dems and the Clintons lost pretty much everywhere else they traveled as well. Plus, they left Dem candidates with a $700,000 travel bill.

WINNER - Megyn Kelly. She's new, she's bright and she owned election night coverage.
LOSER - Chris Matthews. He's old, he's whiney and nobody watches him.

WINNER - Rush Limbaugh. He dared to reveal the dirty little secret: That the election really WAS all about Obama and his failed policies. And he was right.
LOSER - Michael Smerconish. This Obama apologist jumped parties in the hopes of gaining a bigger following and now he's stuck with the consequence - marginalization.

WINNER - The voters, who knew all along that this day could and would arrive.
LOSERS - The pundits and pollsters (including former-wunderkind Nate Silver) who (up to the very end) hugely underplayed the GOP tide perhaps in the hopes that they could forestall it.

WINNER - A nondescript York, Pennsylvania businessman who bought his way into the Governor's mansion.
LOSERS - The people of the keystone state who traded a mediocre governor for a wolf in sheep's clothing.

WINNER - Ed Gillespie. This amiable, exemplary leader showed Republicans how to run a smart campaign based on genuine alternatives and real, solid, credible ideas.
LOSERS - The national GOP and the people of Virginia (again!) for leaving him just shy of the victory margin.

WINNERS - The voters of the People's Republic of Taxachusetts for waking up after a long sleep and electing a GOP Governor.
LOSERS - The voters of neighboring New Hampshire who showed themselves to be hopelessly provincial and narrow-minded.

WINNERS - Maryland, North Carolina, Iowa, Colorado, Illinois, South Dakota, Georgia and all the other states that turned red as hell in a firestorm of protest.
LOSERS - New York, California, Delaware and other "same old same olds" that hung onto failed leaders, programs and policies.

WINNERS - Older Americans who helped spearhead the GOP triumph and women and younger Americans who turned away from the Democrats in surprising numbers.
LOSERS - Phony limousine liberals from Hollywood to the Upper East Side. Shame on 'em!

WINNER - The legacy of Ronald Reagan.
LOSER - The legacy of Jimmy Carter, such as it is.

WINNER - Conservative talk radio.
LOSERS - MSNBC, NPR and the like.

WINNER - The Ace of Spades web site which gave us the most accurate projections on election night.
LOSERS - All the other media projection services.

WINNERS - Evangelicals, church-going voters and (surprise!) Catholics, who helped propel the GOP rout.
LOSERS - Secularists, atheists, agnostics and various Kumbaya types.

WINNER - A sensible, doable energy-independent America.
LOSERS - Environmental wackos.

WINNERS - Immigrants who are following a lawful path to US citizenship.
LOSERS - Illegals.

WINNERS - The Koch Brothers.
LOSERS - The Emanuel Brothers.

WINNER - Your right to access the best health care system in the world.
LOSER - Obamacare.

So, there you have it.
Any winners of your own to suggest?

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