Thursday, December 18, 2014

Is The Pope Propping Up A Teetering Dictator?

Here is a special message from the Independence Hall Foundation:

For over a year, members of the Obama Administration and Vatican Officials met in secret to arrange for an exchange of political prisoners between the United States and Cuba while hoping to foster the normalization of relations between the two countries whose diplomatic ties were broken more than half a century ago.

Not even Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), an American of Cuban descent and outgoing
Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was aware of the ongoing negotiations. 

We cannot express, in words, our profound dismay at the behavior of all parties in this betrayal of American Policy dating back to January, 1961, and the final days of the Eisenhower Administration.  Every President since Eisenhower has shunned the brutal, murderous dictatorship of Communist Fidel Castro.

If Pope Francis thinks his role in restoring relations between Cuba and the United States will result in the downfall of a Communist regime in the way that Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and Pope John Paul II toppled the Soviet Union, he is pathetically mistaken. Pope Francis is propping up a teetering dictatorship on the verge of collapse. 

Despite Cuban relations with Canada and other western nations, Castro's reign of terror has never permitted a loosening of its economic and political control over the Cuban people. 

Though President Nixon's detente with China may have brought about a softening of Marxist economic policies on the mainland--it also tightened the grip of the Communist dictatorship that still rules the most populated nation on earth. 

And China is no more an ally of the United States, today, than it was during the Nixon era.
In fact, China is, potentially, our leading adversary.

We strongly urge everyone to click the following Daily Signal link to a video and article featuring Marco Rubio's unequivocal denunciation of the betrayal of US Foreign Policy: 

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