Thursday, December 4, 2014

Must Read: Garner, Brown, Simpson, Crime, Justice

Here's something written by our friend and fellow-blogger Matt Rooney of the Save Jersey Blog It's one of the best things we've read on the topic and we feel absolutely compelled to pass along to you.
Morning Rant for everyone upset about Eric Garner: I happen to agree that the grand jury likely got this particular one very wrong, but guess what? Our justice system is imperfect albeit the best in the world. If it was perfect, OJ Simpson would've gone to jail a lot earlier than he ultimately did.
That's the risk inherent in a system designed to err on the side of letting guilty men go free in order to guarantee that innocent men don't get locked up. What else do we know? Statistically, young black men in America are still far more likely to die a number of other ways - including at each other's hands in drug-ridden neighborhoods - than in a fatal confrontation with police.
You won't hear this on MSNBC, but slightly more Americans are killed every year by lightning strikes! Those are the FACTS. There is no epidemic of murderous police violence - the self-serving media and career political activists just like to make it look that way.
So if you're genuinely interested in actually improving the lives of our society's most at-risk members, then please remember you can't divorce yourselves from the facts and live on emotion alone. Doing so is counterproductive; it also makes you look stupid. School choice, for example, would do more to save the next Michael Brown than all of the body cameras in the world.
Thank you, Matt for putting it into words and summing it all up succinctly!

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