Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Philly Police Support Rally Set For January 10 At Independence Mall!

Here is a special message from our friends at the Independence Hall Foundation:

As you well know, the mostly unanswered nationwide protests attacking local police has indirectly led to the assassination of two NYPD Officers, Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Lui, in Brooklyn, New York, this past Saturday.

Because of your overwhelming encouragement, the Independence Hall Foundation is planning a regional rally to show support for the men and women of the various police departments, throughout the Delaware Valley, who take monumental risks, everyday, to protect our lives and provide safety to our loved ones.

Already, we have the commitment of several elected officials to speak at the rally. 

It must be emphasized, however, that the rally is a strictly non-partisan event.  We welcome all individuals who sincerely support the efforts of our local police and law enforcement officers.

Like the recent successful Mayfair Rally, which we fully endorsed, we seek to keep this rally positive in nature and ask that your signs only reflect support for the men and women in blue.

We look forward to your participation and welcome your feedback.  Please feel free to respond to this email by clicking the reply button.  We read every email response.

And please spread the word!

Delaware Valley Pro-Blue Rally
When:    Saturday, January 10, 2014, 1-2 PM
Where:  Independence Mall, 5th Market Streets, Philadelphia


  1. Can't wait!!! Thank you for organizing this event. Will be attending!

  2. Will support this important initiative and will spread the word Semper Fi Doc

  3. Although I don't like seeing your lights in my rear view mirror, I thank God for you and for what you do. May all of you come home safe every day

  4. So glad this is occurring!Will definitely be there!
