Thursday, December 4, 2014

Philly Video: Vile Protestors Spoil Christmas Event

Those who disrupted last night's Philly Christmas tree-lighting ceremony at City Hall ought to be ashamed of themselves.
Their raucous protest spoiled to evening many who simply wanted to enjoy the holiday kickoff.
As it is so often with leftists (and too many of their Dem/Lib) friends, if they don't agree with you then they simply don't want you to go on with your life. In fact, if they're upset about something, then we've all got to stop what we're doing an pay attention.
It's boring, childish and disgusting -- and it's happened far, far too often.
Yes, this sort of sleazy, staged-theater wear thin very quickly.
Be sure of this: We're not about to relinquish this holiday -- or any other holiday or public occasion -- for them. No way!

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