Monday, January 26, 2015

Christie Launches 'Leadership Matters' PAC

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has launched a political action committee called Leadership Matters for America accessible at
The new group will allow Christie to travel the country to raise money and support like-minded politicians, but it can’t specifically advocate on his behalf.
Here is the mission of Leadership Matters as stated on its web site:
America has been a nation that has always controlled events and yet today events control us. Why? Because leadership matters. It matters if we want to restore America's role in the world, find the political will to take on the entrenched special interests that continually stand in the way of fundamental change, reform entitlement spending at every level of government, and ensure that every child, no matter their zip code, has access to a quality education.
We must support candidates who share our vision, people who know that only through strong, bold leadership will we be able to take on these challenges and act on the promise of a better tomorrow for working and middle-class Americans.
Leadership matters if we are going to have elected officials who work each and every day so that our government doesn't stand in the way of opportunity, but creates the opportunity for each and every citizen to succeed.
Leadership Matters for America PAC is a non-connected political action committee registered with, and reporting to, the Federal Election Commission. Governor Chris Christie serves as the Leadership Matters for America PAC Honorary Chairman.
Contributions to Leadership Matters for America PAC, Inc. are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. 

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