Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Governor Chris Christie: Five Years By The Numbers

Five Years By The Numbers
A Christie Record Of Renewal


$120 Billion
Taxpayer savings from 2011’s landmark pension and benefits reform

$13 Billion
Combined fiscal deficit closed by Governor Christie in his first 18 months in office

$12 Billion
Total Public-Private Investment through the Christie Administration’s pro-growth policies which will generate or retain nearly 80,000 jobs

$11.9 Billion
Total state aid to schools in Fiscal Year 2015, the fourth consecutive historic high

$2.89 Billion
Contribution to the pension fund under Governor Christie, more than any governor in New Jersey history

$2.5 Billion
Less discretionary spending in Fiscal Year 2015 compared with Fiscal Year 2008, under then Governor Corzine
$2.32 Billion
Targeted, job-creating business tax cuts signed into law by Governor Christie

$1 Billion
Assistance funding to Sandy-impacted families

$213 Million
Tax savings for New Jersey employers thanks to the Christie Administration efforts to return the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund to solvency

$174 Million
Support provided to small businesses and communities recovering from Sandy through the Stronger NJ Business programs

$54.8 Million
Spending in Fiscal Year 2015 on the expanded drug court program to help non-violent offenders reclaim their lives

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Newly-created private-sector jobs since Governor Christie took office in 2010

Fewer State government employees today compared to when Governor Christie took office

Tweets to over 489,000 followers

Lives of overdose victims saved with Narcan by first responders and police since the Christie Administration authorized its use

Press Conferences held by Governor Christie

Executive Orders issued by the Christie Administration

Town Halls held by Governor Christie

Appearances by Governor Christie on ‘Ask The Governor’

Charter schools opened in New Jersey since Governor Christie took office

New Jersey Heroes recognized by First Lady Mary Pat Christie
Decline in violent crime in Camden through August in 2014 compared with the same period in 2012 following the replacement of the City police with a new, larger county force

Speeches by Governor Christie to NJ State Legislature

Unemployment in New Jersey today, compared with 9.7 percent when Governor Christie first took office

Consecutive years of positive private-sector job growth since Governor Christie took office

New Justices confirmed to the New Jersey Supreme Court

Appearances by Governor Christie’s fleece on ‘Saturday Night Live’

Property tax growth in 2013. The slowest pace “in more than two decades” and a “hard-fought milestone for one of the highest-taxed states in America”

New taxes since Governor Christie took office

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