Wednesday, January 21, 2015

How You Can Help Elect Lynne Abraham Mayor!

Here's a very special message from the Lynne Abraham for Mayor campaign!

Thanks to your early support, we’ve been able to get this campaign this far – but we need your help to take it to the next level. Donate what you can today at

The response to Lynne’s candidacy everywhere she goes has been amazing. However, our opponents in this race are ramping up as well and we need to keep up the energy. Your continued support is critical to allowing us to build this campaign.

Donate today by visiting

Philadelphia needs a mayor that will put politics aside and tackle the tough problems that are facing our city. Whether it’s attracting and retaining new good jobs, fixing our aging infrastructure, or ensuring all of our children get a quality education – Lynne is ready to take on the tough challenges. She’s the only candidate with the drive and determination to get things done for all Philadelphians.

Join us in this campaign if you haven’t already by clicking here to make a secure online donation in support of Lynne’s campaign.

Thank you for your support,
Team Lynne for Mayor

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