Friday, January 30, 2015

New Jersey Republicans Advance Jobs Package

The New Jersey State Senate Economic Growth Committee passed legislation sponsored by Senator Jennifer Beck (R-Monmouth) to create the “New Jersey Business Advisory Council” to recommend job-creating ideas to the state Economic Development Authority, the legislature and the governor.

S-2709 is part of the Senate Republican’s fourth phase of a new six-phase jobs bill package, which will not cost taxpayers extra money and should quickly garner bipartisan support and passage. Senator Beck unveiled today five other bills in the fourth phase: “Improving New Jersey’s Economic Development Policies & Programs.”

“The diverse Business Advisory Council will provide unique insights about New Jersey’s business climate and what employers need to locate, grow and expand here,” Beck said. “This legislation along with other bills in our new jobs package will provide state leaders with a complete picture and the answers necessary to correct the actual root causes of job loss and, in turn, make New Jersey more attractive to job creators who will hire more people in our top-notch workforce. This package also helps spotlight New Jersey’s businesses in the global economy by promoting their products and giving them more opportunities to grow and expand.”

Senate Bill 2709 stipulates that the Business Advisory Council is to be comprised of 12 volunteer business representatives from various economic sectors, company sizes, geographic locations and northern, central and southern regions of the state. They will meet at least four times a year and offer solutions to help improve New Jersey’s competitiveness and job climate. Recently, Senate Budget & Appropriations Committee Chairman Paul Sarlo, a Democrat, signed on as co-prime sponsor of S-2709.

Here is a briefing of the five other “Improving New Jersey’s Economic Development Policies & Programs” bills announced today by Senator Beck:

Provides state leaders with the answers necessary to correct the actual root causes of job loss here and, in turn, make New Jersey more attractive to job creators. Requires the state Department of Labor and Workforce Development to execute a comprehensive survey to explain why businesses leave or downsize. Results from the written survey, which would be created with input from the state Economic Development Agency, would be compiled into an annual report by the labor commissioner. That report must be promptly published on the department’s website and submitted to the governor and legislature. (S-2710, sponsored by Senators Anthony Bucco, Sarlo, Beck);

Improves data collection, analysis and employment information within the state Economic Development Authority (EDA) to better New Jersey’s economic development strategies. This bill will consolidate research in one place to improve our economic development decisions throughout state government. (To be introduced immediately);

Permits local governments to enter into regional partnerships for the purpose of coordinating economic development initiatives. This will make it easier for local governments to accomplish job-creating projects that cross government boundaries. (To be introduced immediately).

Creates a singular online database of products that are manufactured in New Jersey to promote locally made products and to connect New Jersey businesses with New Jersey-based suppliers. This will also set up teams of EDA officials and business experts to travel the state and implement this local supply network. (To be introduced immediately).

Improves the EDA’s ability to market New Jersey-made products to growing markets across the world. This will help lead to new businesses and job creation. (To be introduced immediately).

In the coming weeks, the media will be advised as Senate Republicans continue to tour the state to help grow the economy and create opportunities for people, by unveiling more new legislation in these two remaining categories of the new jobs bill package:

·        Reducing Burdensome Regulations
Enhancing Tourism & Agriculture

Here are links to information about the four phases of the new jobs bill package that have already been unveiled:

·        Fostering Innovation
·        Developing New Jersey’s Workforce
·        Lowering Excessive Costs
Improving New Jersey’s Economic Development Policies & Programs (this release)

Meanwhile, Senate Republicans continue to push other cost-cutting solutions to lower nation-high property taxes; simplify and reduce this state’s income tax structure; and make government more efficient and less burdensome.

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