Tuesday, January 20, 2015

NJ Gas Tax Hike? Five Reasons To Say 'NO!'

In New Jersey, one of the most heavily-taxed states in the nation, the hue and cry is on for a gas tax hike.
The state says the extra money is needed for New Jersey's Transportation Fund so that we can maintain roads and bridges. Behind close doors, legislative maneuvers are underway to hike New Jersey's tax on gas at the pump by as much as 15 or even 20 cents per gallon.
Even Governor Christie has said "nothing is off the table" when it comes to fattening the fund. And it's been reported that some GOP legislators are already on board with a gas tax hike. As for the Democrats who control the legislature, they never pass up a chance to raise taxes.
But, wait a minute.
This is our money that these supposed leaders are talking about behind closed doors.
And they're trying to keep it all quiet because they figure if they raise the gas tax now (when gas prices are relatively low) we either won't notice or won't care.
Get this: The people who run our state seem to think we're fools.
Well, we're not. And here are Five Big Reasons NOT to raise the gas tax:
1) New Jersey already spends a whopping 8.4 times the national average for every mile of road it maintains or builds. North Dakota (which gets tons of snow) spends a fraction of what we spend per mile.
2) Our highway funding system is inefficient. Our state spent nearly $45,000 per every mile of roads on highway administration. The national average is just $10,500.
3) Other states with similarly dense metro areas and high costs of living spend far less per-mile than Jersey. Even New York and California spend less.
4) New Jersey has also made little use of public-private partnerships to finance and execute transportation projects. It's been reported that such projects are already lowering costs in 30 other states.
5) New Jersey’s has mishandled its transportation funding. The state should have spent annual budgeted money on a pay-as-you-go basis. But New Jersey inefficiently relied on debt to finance its roads and bridges.
On top of all this, New Jersey toll collections are through-the-roof. Our state is taking in more money from tolls than any other state except New York. What's happening to all this money?
Until New Jersey cleans up its transportation revenue and funding act, it will have to make do with the money it has.
Tell your state legislators: NO NJ GAS TAX HIKE!

Here's what you can do to stop the gas tax hike. But you must act NOW!
Click here to find a page that contains a list of New Jersey towns. Find your town and note the number of your legislative district. Click on the town name and a new page will come up with the districts by number. Click on the number of your district and you will then find the names of your state legislators. You can then click on the names to send them an e-mail or call the phone numbers. We advise that you call all three legislators in your district. Tell them you are AGAINST a hike in the gas tax. Make it very clear and don't accept any cockamamie explanations. 
Calling is a quick and easy way to get the job done. And if we all do it, it will scare the gas outta those windbags in Trenton.
Do it NOW!

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