Saturday, January 31, 2015

Penn Staters Tag 'Responsible' Board Candidate

Here is a very special message for Penn State alumni from Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship:

The board of Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship is pleased to announce the endorsement of Robert J. Tribeck (1991) for 2015 alumni elected trustee, rounding out a PS4RS-endorsed slate which includes sitting trustees Anthony Lubrano (1982) and Ryan McCombie (1970).

Notably, Mr. Tribeck is the principal author of the PS4RS Freeh Report Analysis and has served as co-chair of the PS4RS Legal Task Force. His letter of intent, biography and position statement are attached for additional information. We sincerely thank all 13 candidates who submitted letters of intent. Every one expressed unique experience, informed recommendations and incredible passion for Penn State, making the decision a difficult one.

We applaud their interest in wanting to serve Penn State at the trustee level and encourage their involvement with all aspects of Penn State far into the future.

We kindly ask that you take the 2015 PS4RS slate into consideration when completing and submitting your nomination ballots which are due to the University by February 25, 2015.

Please look for more details in the coming days as to how you can help us quickly activate a campaign strategy that will spread the PS4RS message and provide Penn Staters with ample opportunities to meet our endorsed candidates. For the Glory!

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