Monday, January 5, 2015

Philly Lawyers To Welcome New Chancellor Tomorrow

Nearly 1,000 handshakes will be exchanged as Philadelphia lawyers, judges and City officials gather tomorrow (Tuesday, January 6) to welcome Albert S. Dandridge III as 88th Chancellor of the Philadelphia Bar Association at the annual Chancellor's Reception from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom of the Hyatt at The Bellevue, Broad and Walnut Streets.

This is the event where even the city's busiest and most successful legal luminaries patiently wait in line to wish the new Chancellor and each other good luck in 2015.

At times, the line of close to 1,000 well-wishers will flow through the ballroom foyer, wrapping around corridors, past meeting rooms and down to the escalator that leads guests up to the ballroom level. But the honoree, Albert S. Dandridge III, who leads the oldest association of lawyers in the United States through 2015, won't be complaining even though he'll be at the head of the line the whole time shaking as many as 13 hands per minute.

Dandridge, a partner in the law firm of Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP, began his one-year term on January 1.

Community service is at the top of his agenda, as he is asking the Association’s members to give more of their time to provide meaningful, hands-on support for community members in need.

Also high on Dandridge’s agenda are veterans’ affairs, and diversity and inclusion.

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