Monday, January 26, 2015

'Trivago Guy' Tells His Own Story . . .

The man who has come to be known as "The Trivago Guy" is actually an American actor named Tim Williams. He's 48 years old, was born in Houston, Texas and his lived the past ten years in Germany. He speaks fluent, conversational German and has appeared in the films Valkyrie, Ninja Assassin and The Apparition -- not exactly blockbusters. He's also a singer.
Trivago is a German company that has just entered the US market with The Trivago Guy campaign. The commercials have gained a loyal following both for Trivago and for Williams himself, who says his acting offers have picked up since the commercials debuted.
Williams resides in Berlin and has his own Facebook fan page. His spots for Trivago have been described as "weirdly mesmerizing," and have been used in classes on advertising and marketing because they seem to break multiple rules on how to make a slick, effective commercial. Williams seems remarkably relaxed in the commercials -- even unkept. He's the non-slick pitchman with the laid back pitch -- and it seems to be working.

Just for fun, here are some outtakes from the spots:

And here's a parody of the Trivago Guy commercials:

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