Thursday, January 29, 2015

With One Click, You Can Help Lynne Abraham!

Following is a very special message from Lynne Abraham:


Our city faces many difficult challenges and in order to overcome these obstacles, we don’t just need new leadership – we need a mayor that will have the guts to fight and get things done. That is why I am running for mayor and need your support to continue to push our campaign forward.

While the political insiders want to continue down the road we are on, I believe that we can and must do better. Working together, we can meet these challenges and strive to make Philadelphia the Next Great American City.

Click here to donate in support of my campaign:

Today, our city government is only working for the special interests and political insiders. Almost 30% of our population is at or below the poverty line. It is time that we focus on tackling the problems that affect everyone. We owe it to our future generations to tackle these problems today. Every child deserves to grow up with a quality education, on safe streets and they shouldn’t have to worry about where they’ll get their next meal.

The road to do this will not be easy, and it will take a lot of work. But with your help we can win this election and transform our city. Please donate what you can in support of my campaign at

With gratitude,

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