Monday, February 23, 2015

Cherry Hill Gov't Shakeup In The Works?

We hear that big changes are in the works for Cherry Hill's local government.
Yes, this year both the mayor and certain members of Township Council are up for re-election. And our spies tell us that it appears as if Mayor Chuck Cahn will be stepping down and effectively retiring from government service. Cahn is a hugely successful businessman who does not take any salary as mayor. His service to the town is a labor of love -- not something he needs.
Mayor Cahn has served since 2012 so his term of office expires at the end of this year.
Cherry Hill remains under solid Democrat control just as it has for more than two decades. The mayor and the members of Township Council are all Democrat and this in part reflects the continuing power of the entrenched Camden County Democrat machine. The party has the money, the influence and the army to get out the vote.
The Cherry Hill Democrat organization has been meeting to put together its slate of mayor and council candidates for the spring primary and November general elections. They will have to make a decision soon and choosing a candidate for mayor will be key. The mayoral candidate will lead the team and has to be able to drive the vote.
The future direction of the town is at stake. We'll keep you posted. Stay tuned!

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