Tuesday, February 10, 2015

First Big CPAC 2015 Panel Just Announced!

From the folks at CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference:
Yesterday, we announced our first breakout session panel for CPAC and it's a big one...

"When Should America Go to War?"

“The toughest question any president faces is when to go to war. Do we only defend our vital interests, or also those of our allies? Do we launch preemptive attacks, or strike only after we’re attacked? And, in the cyber age, what constitutes an attack?” – KT McFarland, the moderator of the panel.

In addition to McFarland, our panel of speakers for our breakout session on Thursday, February 26, include foreign policy expert for the Heritage Foundation James Carafano, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AK), and the Honorable John Bolton, former Ambassador to the United Nations.

Panels like this will make CPAC 2015 not only a can't miss event,  but the biggest CPAC of all time!

If you haven't registered, do so right now!

The CPAC Team

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