Thursday, February 26, 2015

GenOpp Opposes Internet Regulations

Today, the Federal Communications Commission will vote to regulate Internet Service Providers as public utilities under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934. These regulations would change the Internet as we know it, with devastating consequences for our generation. Prices, providers, access, content, and privacy will all be at the discretionary hand of the FCC, as the government agency will be able to decide what is “just and reasonable” for everything associated with the Internet.

Last year, Generation Opportunity successfully drove over three thousand young people to the FCC's Facebook page to post messages opposing similar regulations, calling the tactic a "Facebook bomb."

Generation Opportunity President Evan Feinberg issued the following statement:

"Regulating the Internet as a public utility is a terrible mistake. The FCC's actions will hurt Internet start-ups, restrict Internet access for low-income communities, and place new constraints on opportunities for our generation to make the world a better place.

"The Internet is full of possibilities we haven't even imagined yet. Leave it to politicians and bureaucrats to believe they are smart enough to control something as dynamic and ever-changing as the Internet."

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