Friday, February 27, 2015

Important News From Cardinal Newman Society!

Cardinal Newman Society
February 27, 2015
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Dear friend,
Whom would YOU defend?  Radical pro-abortion Daniel Maguire... or pro-life, pro-marriage John McAdams?
Would you defend Notre Dame's voluntary choice to give employee benefits to "married" same-sex partners… or do you support the faithful professors who charge that Notre Dame's false witness "imperils the souls" of students?
Professor Maguire thrives at Marquette University, but McAdams faces punishment for criticizing another professor's treatment of a pro-marriage student.  If that seems confusing, get this: the dissident is defending the Christian!  That's because Maguire's "academic freedom" is threatened by Marquette's persecution of McAdams.
I'd love your take on this.  My view, as I told the National Catholic Register, is that the entire mess displays the "hypocrisy of academic freedom today" at some Catholic universities.  But go to our Facebook page to tell us what you think.
Meanwhile, three Notre Dame law professors have publicly decried Notre Dame's decision to offer marriage benefits for same-sex employees.  By offering these benefits, a Catholic university "impairs its own stated mission to help form all of its students as whole persons…"
We couldn't agree more!  And one great man who "epitomized all that is best" at Notre Dame—and was ashamed of his University leaders' actions in recent years—is Professor Charles Rice, who died Wednesday.  May God grant him an eternity of joy!
Finally, don't miss our important two-part interview with psychology expert Dr. Peter Kleponis on the scourge of pornography on campus!  See both part 1 and part 2, and thank God for the heroic work that Dr. Kleponis is doing for families and for the Church.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Patrick Reilly

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