Sunday, February 22, 2015

Live Blogging The 2015 Oscars - Part Ten

Octavia Spencer is on stage now and she's all in white and stunning.
And this is followed by a performance of the song from Selma by John Legend and this song will almost certainly win the award for best song. It receives a massive production -- a full choir, rap segments and many, many participants on the stage. It's a Big Deal.
Legend is having a huge year.
And again we see Oprah - the Queen Mother of Equality.
Now, introducing Adena Menzel, we have Harris making a joke about John Travolta botching her name last year. Then Travolta appears with Menzel to actually pronounce her name correctly. It's a warm and funny and cute moment.
Finally, yes - Glory wins the award for best song. And Legend then shifts into a political statement charging that "we live in the most incarcerated country in the world" and that the "voting rights act is being jeopardized right now." No music comes on to cut these speeches off, of course. In the midst of time limits throughout, this is a virtual polemic. But it goes unchallenged.
And again we have another super-charged political statement - liberals using the moment to filibuster for their own self-interest. Sad!

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