Friday, February 27, 2015

What Scott Walker Said - And Didn't Say

We're live blogging here once again from CPAC.
Yesterday, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker had the large crowd on its feet here when, in responding to a question about how he might handle ISIS, he said "If I can take on 100,000 protestors [in Wisconsin] I can do the same across the globe." When pressed on this by the liberal media (which seized upon his comment) Walker said "you all will misconstrue things as you see fit." He then added that this was the closest example that he had, but that there's not necessarily "a parallel between the two."
That certainly seems fair enough to us.
Walker was asked about a volatile international situation and he answered by referencing a volatile situation that he already faced. He wanted to remind us that he can remain resolute in the face of strong challenges.
In the same way, many years ago Ronald Reagan pointed to the manner in which he faced down studio bosses (as President of the Screen Actors Guild union) when explaining why he thought he could face down the leaders of Soviet Russia and other communist states. The elites laughed at Reagan when he made this reference and the elites turned out to be wrong. Reagan really was astringent leader of deep conviction and he was up to the challenge of not only facing the Soviets but bringing down their entire totalitarian empire.
Yes, there's something decidedly Reaganesque about Walker and that has Democrats and the liberal media rattled. That's why they are relentlessly targeting him.
But Walker doesn't seem to care. So far, he's remained cool and remarkably focused. He'll need to continue to do so in the days ahead. 

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