Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Abraham Campaign Launches New Website!

Here is a very special message from the Lynne Abraham campaign:

This morning we launched a brand new website! Check it out – http://LynneAbraham.com

By visiting the website you can learn about the campaign’s latest news or events. You can also use our website to get involved in our campaign and support our efforts to get Lynne elected.

The website also contains 12 policy statements outlining where Lynne stands on the issues. The topics include: public health, jobs and economic development, housing, environment and energy, education, crime and public safety, civil rights and equality, budget and taxes, arts and culture, transportation, senior citizens, and veterans.

Share this news with your friends and family! The more people who check out our website and learn about ways to get involved in the campaign, the stronger our grassroots campaign will be!

Thank you,
- Team Lynne

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