Thursday, March 26, 2015

Abraham Holds Big Lead In Philly Mayor's Race

Lynne Abraham holds a commanding lead in the race to become Philadelphia's next mayor according to a poll just released by the widely-respected Mellman Group.
And, in addition to her double-digit lead Abraham has "a substantial image advantage" over her opponents.
Here's are some of the highlights of the poll:
  • Abraham's lead is a significant 16% over each of her nearest opponents in the all-important Democrat primary.
  • Abraham has more than twice the support of either of her nearest opponents.
  • Lynne Abraham leads across all major groups.
  • Abraham also leads across all sections of the city.
  • Her strength is grounded in the strong image that people have of her and the high degree of trust they place in her. Her favorable ratings are more than 20% higher than those of each of her nearest opponents.
  • Large majorities of voters say Abraham is tough on crime (80%), is a strong leader (69%), has the integrity we need (66%) and has the experience to be mayor (64%).
Lynne Abraham is well-positioned going into this race. But her opponents are backed by powerful vested-interests and they are already spending big bucks to defeat her. They will spend more. In fact, it's a good bet that they will stop at nothing to derail her campaign and bring her down.

That's why it's important for all of us -- all of us who care about Philadelphia and its future -- to get behind Lynne Abraham now.

Don't delay! Click here now to become part of the Lynne Abraham campaign!

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