Friday, March 13, 2015

AFP, Doherty Demand Answers On NJ Road Costs

Americans for Prosperity, New Jersey's leading grassroots advocate for taxpayers, is praising state Sen. Mike Doherty (R-23) and Asm. Parker Space (R-24) for sponsoring legislation to review the state’s highway spending, today the highest in the nation.

“Americans for Prosperity has been saying for months that taxpayers deserve answers as to why New Jersey is spending more than any other state in the country on roadwork,” stated AFP spokesman Mike Proto. “There’s no rational reason why we are spending $2 million per mile—three times more than Massachusetts, four times more than New York and twelve times higher than the national average.”

“AFP commends Sen. Doherty and Asm. Space for hearing our calls on this issue and taking action to protect taxpayers,” Proto said. “No matter where one stands on the gas tax, there is no justifiable reason to oppose a review of how our transportation dollars are being spent and to find ways to get a better bang for our Transportation Trust Fund buck.”

“AFP urges Sen. Doherty’s and Asm. Space’s colleagues to do right by taxpayers and add their names as co-sponsors to their commonsense legislation. Further, we call on Assembly Chair John Wisniewski (D-19) and Senate Chair Nick Sacco (D-32) to bring the legislation up for a vote at the next scheduled meeting of their respective transportation committees.”

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