Friday, March 13, 2015

Are Millennials Now An 'Unstoppable Force?'

National youth advocacy organization Generation Opportunity is proud to announce participation in South by Southwest Interactive Festival 2015 via a bipartisan panel called “Millennials: The Unstoppable Force.” Moderated by GenOpp President Evan Feinberg, the panel will be comprised of Congressman Aaron Schock (IL-18) and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02).

The forward-looking panel will focus on some of the most pressing issues facing young Americans, including Internet freedom, jobs, debt, healthcare, and criminal justice reform. The discussion will take place on Sunday, March 15, at 5PM (CT) in Room 10AB of the Austin Convention Center in Austin, TX.

“GenOpp is proud to facilitate a meaningful conversation with Millennial leaders on both sides of the aisle at this year’s South by Southwest Festival,” said GenOpp President Evan Feinberg. “Whether it’s jobs, healthcare, or criminal justice, our generation is interested in solving issues – and we’re excited to engage in a discussion with members of both parties on the policies that set us up for the best future possible.”

“Too often, political bickering in Washington overshadows the issues that this generation of Americans are concerned about,” said Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02).  “Millennials care less about party labels and blind partisanship, and care more about getting things done.  Like so many people, of all generations, I'm working towards finding creative solutions to the challenges that face our country, and finding strong partners to work with to get the job done.  That must include more open dialogue and bipartisan collaboration in Congress that prioritizes results over rhetoric, and engaging with leaders and innovators who are finding solutions every day in our communities and in the private sector.”

GenOpp President Evan Feinberg will be available for media during the Festival. Please contact Rebecca Coffman at or (202) 538-9953.

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