Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Christie: The Facts Support Exxon Settlement

Governor Christie made clear today that the largest National Resource Damages (NRD) payment by a single corporate defendant every in New Jersey history is on top of what ExxonMobil is obligated to pay to clean up what they polluted in accordance with State standards.  ExxonMobil remains on the hook for those clean up and remediation costs – with no cap on the amount.  In addition:

·         At $225 million, the ExxonMobil settlement is far and away the largest NRD settlement payment negotiated by a single corporate defendant - ever.

·         The all-time 20 other largest NRD settlements with similar such awards have only averaged $25.2 million.

·        The 8 largest settlements of all-time were all negotiated under the Christie Administration.

·         The 13 largest settlements negotiated before the Christie Administration averaged only $4.19 million. (See the chart below)

The Gov reiterated that the Attorney General’s Office litigated this case aggressively to get the case, more than a decade old, resolved, resulting in this historic payment in addition to ExxonMobil’s obligation to pay for the cost of cleaning up what they polluted. 

VIDEO: Gov. Christie On Exxon: This Is $225 Million On Top Of Paying To Fix What They Polluted

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