Thursday, March 12, 2015

Help Victims Of Human Trafficking Now!

A special message from

We didn’t think it was still possible.

Both political parties were actually working together to help victims of sex trafficking. That is, until one issue got in the way.

You guessed it. Abortion.

The Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, or S. 178, would strengthen penalties against sex trafficking, increase restitution for victims, and provide funding for human trafficking deterrence programs.

But all that is stopped dead in its tracks. That’s because big abortion supporters are actively blocking this bill unless it includes taxpayer-funded abortion.

The simple truth is Republicans moved to include language from the “Hyde Amendment” to ensure taxpayers were not funding abortion as a part of this great reform bill. The language has been a part of similar legislation for decades.

But Democrats refuse to put aside their zeal for abortion. And they are now holding victims of sex trafficking hostage unless they get their way!

These shameless politicians parrot the line that abortion should be between “a woman and her doctor.” But even that is a lie. They want you involved too. They want you to pay for the abortion.

Here’s what you can do:

Call your two Senators today. Tell them to put victims of sex trafficking ahead of pro-abortion politics. Tell them to support S. 178.

You can call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 or click here for a list of each Senator’s direct office phone number.

Pro-abortion Senators have never stopped their outrageous campaign to eliminate the Hyde Amendment, despite the fact that Americans overwhelmingly do not support taxpayer funding for abortion.

They see this fight as a wedge to eventually legalize taxpayer-funded abortion across America. Republicans must be told to hold firm and not to budge.

Democrats are putting vulnerable women and children at risk.

Call your Senators now.

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