Saturday, March 28, 2015

Indiania Law Gives Catholics New Protection

Here is a very special message from
the Cardinal Newman Society:

March 27, 2015

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Dear friend,

What will Notre Dame do?

Thanks to a new Indiana law, the University of Notre Dame and other Catholic colleges in the state have greater protection for their religious beliefs.  Praise God!

But we asked two key observers: Does Notre Dame want the help?  Since October, it has provided spousal benefits to same-sex partners of employees, despite the public opposition of Bishop Kevin Rhoades.  No longer able to cite the law as an excuse, will Notre Dame now uphold Catholic teaching?  We asked key observers what they expect.

Regardless, we will certainly strive to uphold Church teaching!  And we'll pray for Jim Rigg, superintendent of Catholic schools in Cincinnati, who sat down with The Cardinal Newman Society to explain why his Archdiocese supports Catholic education as "ministry"—the very language that Archbishop Cordileone is defending in San Francisco.

And to help Catholic schools uphold the faith, pro-life curricula can provide the information and materials that schools need. See why pro-life leaders think Catholic schools are "vehicles" of the pro-life movement.

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Patrick Reilly

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