Sunday, March 29, 2015

Lynne Abraham Leads, Now -- Help Her WIN!

Here is a very special message from the Lynne Abraham for Mayor campaign:

We just got great news and wanted to tell you right away. As you may have seen in the Philadelphia Inquirer a new poll has Lynne leading with 30% of the vote and the next closest challenger is only at 14%. But in order to win, we are going to need to keep this momentum going until the May 19th Election Day. Can we count on you to help us get there by donating $150, $250, or $500?

And the good news doesn’t just stop there. Lynne is also leading every demographic group, and voters clearly believe she is ready to lead on Day One. Check out what was written in the Philadelphia Inquirer:

“The poll showed Abraham with the highest favorable rating (59 percent), followed by Williams (38), Kenney (37), Diaz (26), Street (25), and Oliver (14).”

- Philadelphia Inquirer, 3/26/15

Click here to donate now and let’s keep the momentum trending upwards.

With this said, our opponents are on TV right now trying to close the gap.  We need your financial support now to make sure voters hear why Lynne is the tough, proven leader that Philadelphia needs to challenge business as usual. Click the link below to donate today:

Thank you,
- Team Lynne

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